Her Doctrine and Morals

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

23 June 2024


The Sunday


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The Sunday Sermon Archive

Dear Friends,

The words of Holy Scripture utter the wisdom of God. Just think for a moment: How can an unlettered fisherman like Saint Peter ever be the source of such profound wisdom as expressed in his First Epistle?

The Scriptures read at today's Holy Mass are a valuable instruction and a dire warning.

St. Peter addresses the faithful. Obviously, the faithful could be better because they continue to fall from grace and to do the things they did before their conversion.

He addresses the divisions among the faithful. He urges them to be "like-minded in prayer" because the rule of praying is based on the rule of Faith. Our prayers reflect our beliefs. There are different "prayers" because there are different beliefs. Different beliefs are not the work of God's grace but come from the spirit of division: Lucifer.

St. Peter urges all concerned to be "compassionate, lovers of the brethren, merciful, reserved, humble." Here is an entire program for reflection upon our conduct, which, in turn, reflects our thinking.

Compassion for sinners is a sign of genuine spirituality. A genuine follower of Christ is neither upset nor angry at the sins of others. True supernatural humility inspires a spirit of compassion toward those who offend God because the faithful Christian knows that only God's grace preserves him from the same sin.

The knowledge of human frailty inspires a spirit of mercy toward those unfortunate sinners who, as St. Francis said, "through the instigation of the devil," have fallen into sin. He wisely urged the friars not to become upset with another's sin but to exhibit greater affection for the unfortunate one whom the devil has deceived.

This attitude towards sinners is not often found even among those who fancy themselves "spiritual" or "good Christians." The lack of compassion and mercy for sinners is a sign of pharisaical hypocrisy — the ugliest form of pride.

The Holy Ghost instructs us through St. Peter: "Not rendering evil for evil, or abuse for abuse, but contrariwise, blessing."

As for the sins of the tongue, St. Peter quotes from the Scriptures: "He who would love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek after peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and His ears unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

Our Lord Himself clearly indicates the seriousness of slander and calumny. He condemns the superficial religiosity of the Scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees who pretend to "justice." He says: "Unless your justice exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."

It seems apparent that many among those who wish to be recognized as Catholics and even priests have no fear of the judgment of God. One man in particular, motivated by the crassest pride, spread calumnies regarding Archbishop Ngo by calling him a "fool," that is, a person whose mental state supposedly made him incompetent to perform any intelligent and voluntary act.

Such calumnies aimed to impugn the validity of the bishops consecrated by Archbishop Ngo. Ultimately, the real reason for such calumnies is to express the hidden determination so similar to that of Lucifer: I will not serve!

Proud people do violence to their intellect just to avoid the imperative of obedience. They will lie, twist the truth, and even deny the truth for but one reason: So that they may serve Satan while under the illusion that they are serving God.

How many of those false Catholics styled "Traditionalist" do you think will heed Our Lord's command? They carry their evil gifts to the altar while bearing hatred in their hearts. Let us express our compassion for these deceived souls by praying that God's grace may touch their hearts and bring them to the humble truth in the true Catholic Church before it is too late.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!

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